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Recipe: Snert

Snert? Erwtensoep?

Snert or 'erwten­soep' is one of the few tra­di­tion­al Dutch meals. The Dutch un­for­tu­nate­ly aren't known for their great cuisine. This is probably partly due to the lack of tasty things that grow here.

Some of the tra­di­tion­al meals I really enjoy are 'raw' herring, kibbeling (a bit like fish and chips, but smaller) and stamppot. Stamppot is a category on its own, which usually consists of a vegetable mashed with potatoes and meat. A few examples are: boerenkool (curly kale mash), zuurkool (sauerkraut - my personal favourite) and hutspot (a mash of carrots, onion and potatoes). There's a great story behind the hutspot, but that's for continue.

Recipe: Spinach, Tomato, Goat's Cheese, Potato & Egg Wraps

The other day we had some spinach left after using half of the 300g bag in a risotto and I wondered what to make with it. I wanted to finish it since we were going to be away for a couple of days and I didn't want to just bin it. Normally I use it in a curry, but we'd be going out for diner to an Indian restaurant, so that wasn't an option.

I remembered the wraps we made a while ago and thought we could make some wraps with the spinach. I cooked up my own recipe with the continue.