Snert or 'erwtensoep' is one of the few traditional Dutch meals. The Dutch
unfortunately aren't known for their great cuisine. This is probably partly due
to the lack of tasty things that grow here.
Some of the traditional meals I really enjoy are 'raw' herring, kibbeling
(a bit like fish and chips, but smaller) and stamppot. Stamppot is a category
on its own, which usually consists of a vegetable mashed with potatoes and meat.
A few examples are: boerenkool (curly kale mash), zuurkool (sauerkraut - my
personal favourite) and hutspot (a mash of carrots, onion and potatoes).
There's a great story behind the hutspot, but that's for …continue.
How my Git repository got corrupt in the first place
Ok, so how my Git repository got corrupt was (sort of) entirely my own fault.
And why it was a problem was definitely entirely my own fault.
I had two stashes in my repository and decided for no apparent reason to pop
the second stash straight after popping the first stash. Git told me there were
conflicts in the second pop. I decided that I shouldn't really have popped them
straight after each other (lesson #1 here) and decided to restore a Time
Machine backup to get to the state where both stashes were still stashed. And
that's …continue.
In October 2013 I upgraded both my work Mac running Lion and my home Mac running Snow Leopard to Mavericks. Here's a report of the problems I ran into.
On my home Mac running Snow Leopard I wanted to do a clean install. It turns out this isn't an option in the install process, instead you have to wipe your drive/partition first and then start the installation process;
Admin password problem (didn’t notice lock), only occurred once;
My keyboard lay-out at the login screen somehow got stuck on …continue.
So, I'm finally getting to know Plone. We will be using it for the company website and I should be getting a short training in working and developing with Plone so I can take on the maintenance of the website after delivery.
I had some extra time to delve into Plone before the training and I have to say: Plone definitely has a steep learning curve. It toke me forever just to get it up and running (not being familiar with zc.buildout doesn't help). Just now I had to help my colleague getting everything up and running and he ran into …continue.
The other day we had some spinach left after using half of the 300g bag in a risotto and I wondered what to make with it. I wanted to finish it since we were going to be away for a couple of days and I didn't want to just bin it. Normally I use it in a curry, but we'd be going out for diner to an Indian restaurant, so that wasn't an option.
I remembered the wraps we made a while ago and thought we could make some wraps with the spinach. I cooked up my own recipe with the …continue.
A while ago I wrote two posts, one on using Twig and another on using htaccess with Mac's Apache. I was reasonably happy with the described setups until I discovered that when I used something like <link rel="stylesheet"href="/style.css"media="all"> in my HTML it wouldn't work because my site was running at the default http://localhost/~heleen/website/index.html and so it would map the 'root' slash to http://localhost/ rather than http://localhost/~heleen/website/. I found a solution to this using vhosts, which works really well. But then I had to add another website, and another, and realised that surely there should be an easier way …continue.
Add DocumentRoot "/Users/[your-username]/Sites/" at the top of the file;
Add FollowSymLinks to the Options;
Change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All;
Change Deny from All to Allow from All.
<Directory "/Users/[your-username]/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Deny from All
DocumentRoot "/Users/[your-username]/Sites/"
<Directory "/Users/[your-username]/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from All
Assuming you're using virtualenv and pip and working in your virutalenv ((your-env)username@computer:~$).
Download PIL, but do not install it:
$ pip install --no-install PIL
For Freetype support: edit in {your-virtualenv-folder}/build/PIL. On line 40 change FREETYPE_ROOT = None to FREETYPE_ROOT = libinclude('/usr/X11'):
# Library pointers.## Use None to look for the libraries in well-known library locations.Theme:BasicNature# Use a string to specify a single directory, for both the library and# the include files. Use a tuple to specify separate directories:# (libpath, includepath). Examples:## JPEG_ROOT = "/home/libraries/jpeg-6b"# TIFF_ROOT = "/opt/tiff/lib", "/opt/tiff/include"## If you have "lib" and "include" directories under a common parent,#
Just now I tried to use makemessages to create a language file and got the following error:
/bin/sh: xgettext: command not found. After a search on my system it turns out I don't have gettext installed.
I did some searching and found mac-ports solutions, but I'm not a big fan of them. I tried compiling myself and got the following errors:
And here's how to reset it if you can still reach the installation via SSH or similar.
Start a Django shell:
python shell
Use the following code to change the password:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.get(username__exact='[username]')
u.set_password('[fill in new password here]')